Where are we at with Soylent?

Tomorrow, I’ll be making my last Soylent of the week and opening a new box for Friday (taking a day or so off for Christmas since so many people are insisting on feeding me solid foods). The past week has been pretty good and I probably won’t do another update until my first month of Soylent is over (middle of January). 

How is it treating me? pretty well. I’m full after every glass and consuming about 8 additional glasses of water per day. I have snacked twice on pistachios (about 4 ounces) and tonight I bought 4 ounces of smoked salmon that I’ll be eating tomorrow. I’ve been good though. Other than nuts, 1 scrambled egg and soon, the salmon I haven’t eaten any solid foods since 6 days ago. Not too bad. 

My body is fully adjusted and the lethargic feelings are all gone. I’d say that I’m fully transitioned over to Soylent. 

The one thing that continues to be an issue is without solid foods, my absorption of alcohol means i can’t drink a lot of volume. 2 Bottles of beer or a dram of whiskey and I can’t drink more. I don’t get beyond buzzed but that’s fine for me. The good thing is, less booze means less calories so this isn’t a bad thing. 

Also on Sunday, I started mixing in dried Peanut Butter into my Soylent daily mix so this adds 100 calories to my daily intake and makes Soylent taste way better. 

I miss food but mostly the emotional bonds to food, nothing that is truly a real craving. 

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