Soylent: Day 2

First, a summary of how day 1 ended which I think is important. I split a bottle of champagne and 2 double IPAs with my friends. Not a lot of alcohol for me being a big guy but mid-way through that 2nd 6oz serving of beer, I felt very drunk. I thought that not eating solid foods would affect my tolerance but not this much. Instead of my normal lay-down time of midnight and reading until 1AM, I ended up passing out (in my bed) at 10:15PM and sleeping all night. 

I still don’t feel hungry which is great and was my biggest concern with starting this whole thing.

I woke up at 8 and made today’s Soylent and turned on the espresso machine then I had 2 pints of water, a double shot of espresso and at 11AM, I had my first pint of Soylent. It’s 1:30 and I just had my 2nd pint of Soylent with another water. I feel great today, not hungry or lethargic or tired.

Had another ‘meal’ at 5 and another now at 7:45. I’ll have another in 2 hours and I’m currently drinking some 24 year cask scotch from Auchroisk and I’m not feeling the light headedness that I had yesterday. So day 2 has mostly been a success. 

Might report more tomorrow but unlikely. The transition to this has been way easier than my monthly Juice fast. 

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