Linked: Living in a Conspiracy Nation

Via Kottke (who does not like replying to emails):

Fox News, talk radio, and Facebook — aided and abetted by clueless mainstream media outlets who feel the need to cover “both sides” equally — have been pounding away on Americans for decades, feeding them misinformation and hate.

I’ve been writing this on this blog for nearly a decade..maybe more on my Twitter account back when I had one but I’m going to say it again. The Internet is not a human right. Access to the largest information center in the world, bigger than all libraries put together is an amazing achievement. Most people agree everyone deserves access to high speed Internet at home or anywhere.

I don’t. There are too many humans that are too ignorant to benefit. Allow them to pay their bills via telephone or postal service and take away their internet connection. They do not deserve it. It’s actually really easy. If they click a banner to win one of those free iPods or forward that chain mail to 21 friends or share false news, cut them off. “We have a right to refuse service to anyone” should extend to the Internet. It’s primarily owned by private companies anyway and sometimes, you give users a test to see if they deserve to keep accessing your pipelines and if they fail the test, cut them off and force them to attend an Internet education course in person at the rec-center just like they got a DUI or too many speeding tickets. 

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