★ Homebrewing: 2014

I promise I haven’t given up on home brewing. It was pretty clear in a couple of posts last year that it’s difficult to brew in the winter time. The plan then was to brew a lot of wild ales and let them ferment for 12 months. Eight carboys are happily sitting downstairs just chilling out. It’s a beautiful thing.

I’m moving to a new house soon and will have some outdoor space and a spigot (finally) to pick up on things again. Soon, I’ll do some carboy transferring and moving things around just a bit. I also just ordered a freezer to act as a fermentation area for some lagers. It’s going to be a great time.

I’m going to continue the trend of brewing beers that are pricey or harder to get locally. I’ll continue spontaneous wild ales and berliners along with larger Imperial stouts. The Brett IPA experiment will continue and I’m going to experiment with some barrel projects but that’s going to take some time.

i’m also going to sell my kegerator as it takes up a lot of space and electricity and get a cheap chest freezer that will serve two functions, a kegerator and bottle storage. The new place I’m moving into doesn’t have a lot of space so I’ll store a lot of bottles in the chest freezer with a temp controller.

It’s a shame that Matt Riggs was so wrong about my home brewing:

 “I’m glad you slowed down with the homebrewing for a bit. Or is that permanent now too? I hope the latter, because you were also dishing out some bad advice.” 

Anyone looking at me for advice is their problem. I’m brewing for fun and to have some cheap enjoyable beers in styles that I like. I don’t aim to go pro and now that my pipeline of carboys is full, I stopped brewing for a bit. I can add Matthew to the long list of people who give a shit how I spend my time.

I will probably post some tasting notes in May of my wild ales, porter and Hair of the Dog Adambier clone. that’s also when I’ll add Currants and Cabernet cubes to my Consecration clone and I’ll brew my once a year Bourbon Imperial Stout and another Double IPA with Brett B but this time using a lot of wheat in place of 40% of the 2-row malts.

Oh and I tasted my straight spontaneous lambic yesterday. WOW it smells amazing and tastes pretty good. Still needs a lot of time but it’s cool that this beer was such a success so far. I’m really hoping to keep that carboy for 3 years and keep adding so that I have 8-12 carboys full of ‘VT Lambic” that I can blend and add fruit to.

That’s all for now!

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