★ Linked: “The Fermostat”

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Image Credit: Caleb Wangerin – http://www.ohmbrewautomations.com

I received an email from a reader of this blog. I get a ton of big beer companies (well, technically their PR companies message me) asking that I promote products like Bud Light Margarita and Towels. This is the first product pitch I’ve received from a normal guy who is also the creator of the product and is doing his own self-marketing which I appreciate. PR reps are annoying. I would know, I used to be one.

Caleb had this to say:

I am also a homebrewer as well as an electrical engineer. I have recently created a gadget to help during the fermentation process and have released a Kickstarter project for it to help get this project off the ground, it’s called the Fermostat. It is a programmable thermostat for use during fermentation. I’m just trying to get the word out about it and I’m hoping to catch your interest. If you enjoy it, I’d love it if you forward some information on about it. Here’s the Kickstarter link:


Thanks Caleb for the note and I’d back the project but my feedback is that $150 is steep. You’re on a small scale, I get it but maybe Kickstarter backers get it for $99 and MSRP is $150 or something like that. Just some feedback, I don’t know the time and money you’ve put into it so far.

If you’re interested in this product, click through and back the creator.

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