★ Review: Founders KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout)

2012 Founders KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout) - Four Pack

  • AROMA 9/10
  • TASTE 9/10
  • PALATE 3/5
  • OVERALL 17/20
  • MAR 17, 20122012
  • Batch brewed on 2-17-2012 (1 Month Ago). Poured into a Tulip Glass at Cellar Temp (60 Degrees F)
  • A – Gorgeous 2-Finger coffee color head with a nice mix of creamy bubbles and big bubbles. It subsides very slowly. You’d think this beer was completely black but it’s actually a very dark brown as you pour it into the glass. In the glass, it looks like pitch black (not oily, just pitch). Nice glass lacing and alcohol legs on a swirl.
  • S – The first scent is a delicious fresh espresso with nice crema. Follow up is bourbon and oak followed by a very sweet vanilla. It’s remarkable how each scent is so separate to make up this complete picture of amazing smelling beer.
  • T – On first sip, coffee and bourbon are what I get first. The bourbon and woodiness burns and sticks down my throat and into my chest. Like a fine whisky, the heat stays around for a while. The coffee quickly fades away to intense wood and vanilla. The heat is a bit too much for me.
  • M – 50/50 Bubbles to Liquid on a single mouth swish. Heavy bodied and very very astringent with huge bourbon and wood tastes. It’s super heavy and intense heat.
  • O – Great flavors but way too much heat and a very displeasing linger of woodiness. It is still a phenomenal beer. The issue with aging this beer is the coffee goes away. I would imagine, in 12 months, this beer’s heat would retract a bit but the intense coffee would fade which would ruin the fantastic awesome-ness that is coffee.

2012 Founders KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout) - Four Pack

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