★ Why I Delete My Twitter Replies

Since coming back to Twitter full time in March, I’ve been trying new things but first, a little history on my Twitter  style and how it has changed. I used to reply to everyone. Then, I replied very selectively and never did more than 1 or 2 responses before ending the conversation or taking it off Twitter. Then, I started using DMs. Even if I wasn’t following to someone, I’d only respond via DM and they’d have to send me a public reply in response and that’s how I’d chat. It was easy for people I mutually followed but most people just replied complaining, “you’re not following me back!” That was a bad situation.

At one point, I just stopped paying attention to replies. That totally took the fun out of Twitter. Why this focus on how my stream looks? Why are replies bad?

Well, they’re not. If I reply to Jane and John is browsing Twitter.com and is following me, he will never see that reply I sent to Jane unless he’s following her as well. I like this feature because I don’t care about a person’s replies to people I don’t also follow. This is awesome unless I go to Jane’s profile because browsing the user’s profile will show all of their tweets even their replies to others no matter if I’m following the other people or not. This is where the problem occurs.

I’m always amazed at how I’ll get 5-10 replies a day to tweets that I made over a day ago. See, there are some people out there (my Mom included) who go back and see what I’ve been up to as a sort of moment to moment blog. They like clicking my links, checking out photos and hearing what I’m up to. My stream needs to constantly be curated as a book that can be accessed years from now and be a catalogue of my life.

Back when replies were 80% of my tweets, I look back and find it impossible to publish it. I’ve tried Twitter to Book publishing just as a way to get it done and have those memories from the past 3.5 years but I can’t because half of the tweets are replies and it would be a pain in the ass to edit out.

Additionally, the stream looks better without them and family and those crazies who go back a few days and read my stream back to front get a better experience if I’ve edited out all of the replies.


Twitter could really resolve this by changing the profile view of pages with a nice little slider that says, “all” or “unique” so I could simply choose to see unique tweets or all tweets & replies. This would eliminate the reason for deleting my tweets.

Ah yes, I need to talk about that. So, lately, I’ve been holding nothing back. I reply to people publicly, things I should be saying in private like, “oh sorry I was in the bathroom” No one sees those especially if it’s something that no one I know is following as well. I will reply to them 20 times and go back and forth for 5 minutes like it’s a chat room then I’ll wait 10 minutes, go to my profile page and delete delete delete until I’m back down to just unique tweets.

I’ve been doing this since March. The level of tweets that my counter shows has only slowly gone up since my page is only unique tweets and no replies. I get more replies from people sometimes days later who go back and read my tweets because they can find what I’m doing much easier.

The only problem. Three people have complained by simply saying, “did you delete your reply?” I don’t know how they knew or found out? Maybe they had push go to their phone with the reply and then went to reply on TweetDeck and couldn’t find it. I don’t know. I think 10 minutes is long enough. For people who keep Tweetie or TweetDeck open, 10 minutes later, it’s cached in the app so me deleting it won’t remove the tweet and they can still click “reply” and it works just fine.


This is my new system so if you notice how squeeky clean @AdamJackson looks, it’s because I delete the replies. It’s working for now but just like my previous systems, I might change it. This one has been very effective. Open, fluid and talkative conversations w/o censorship or DM issues but also keeping things clean for you weirdos that go to my feed days later to stalk me.

There ya go…explained!

Comments 159
  1. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  2. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  3. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  4. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  5. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  6. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  7. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  8. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  9. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  10. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  11. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  12. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  13. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  14. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  15. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  16. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  17. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  18. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  19. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  20. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  21. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  22. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  23. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  24. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  25. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  26. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  27. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  28. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  29. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  30. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  31. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  32. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  33. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  34. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  35. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  36. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  37. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  38. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  39. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  40. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  41. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  42. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  43. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  44. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  45. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  46. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  47. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  48. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  49. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  50. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  51. I personally don’t care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that’s a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  52. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  53. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  54. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  55. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  56. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  57. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  58. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  59. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  60. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  61. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  62. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  63. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  64. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  65. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  66. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  67. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  68. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  69. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  70. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  71. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  72. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  73. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  74. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  75. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  76. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  77. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  78. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  79. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  80. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  81. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  82. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  83. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  84. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  85. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  86. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  87. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  88. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  89. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  90. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  91. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  92. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  93. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  94. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  95. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  96. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  97. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  98. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  99. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  100. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  101. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  102. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

  103. I personally don't care for this style of tweeting. I think it takes the conversation away from your stream, and many people look at who gets talked to most often to find new people to follow. And if I favorite a tweet of yours which then gets deleted, that's a sort of invasion into what I would like to keep in my personal collection of favorites. Does that make sense?

  104. Interesting post. Though since I started using http://laterstars.com/ to read / follow up etc. on my favorites it would break the way I am processing / using tweets. You got a good point with keeping your stream clean, but I am wondering if this method kinda breaks Twitter for other people, just wondering.

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