★ Thirty Minutes with an Apple iPad

I did a tweet earlier about the new iPad and really wanted to do a dozen tweets and since I’m waiting for the Caltrain home, I decided to throw up a few lines about the experience.

It’s larger than I expected but web browsing and watching movies will be great on the iPad. Contrary to what many are saying, it’s perfect for one handed book reading or web browsing. You don’t need two hands but then again, I’m 6’3″, 240 pounds with very big hands. So big, that people see me typing on an iPhone and wonder how I can use that small keyboard with my freakish thumbs.

1.5 pounds is perfect. It shouldn’t be any heavier than that. I wish it was lighter.

After 5 minutes, I was touch typing in landscape mode with both hands just like I do on a normal keyboard. I wasn’t doing 70 words per minute but I was doing about 20 WPM and that’s only after a few minutes.

Typing with your thumbs in portrait mode is dumb. This thing was meant to sit on your lap in landscape mode when typing.

I wish it had a camera (front or rear-facing). It’s thick enough that a camera would fit no problem. I don’t know why Apple didn’t include that.

The thing  was fast! Everything was instant. I was amazed at just how fast everything was. What an awesome experience.

iPhone apps look like crap. At 1x or 2x, they look bad. I won’t be using any iPhone apps on this thing even though iPad apps are so expensive, I don’t care. It’s just bad. Trust me.

Reading books was great but the full color, ultra bright screen means my book reading isn’t private. Basically if I’m on the train or subway, everyone around me can read the book too. A kindle is harder to glance over. I’m afraid that if I buy, “biography of a playboy bunny” or something else racy or perhaps the biography of Glen Beck, my San Francisco public transit friends will look at me with disgust. It’s a similar situation if I bring my boom box on the train and play U2 tracks from 1989 at full blast. Sure, one could blame them for being nosy but with the Kindle, that isn’t a problem. Maybe I’m taking this one out of proportion.

The speakers are okay

The volume control feels cheap

The screen is gorgeous

The iPad apps are pretty cool. I’m sure they’ll improve over time. I can’t wait to see what games developers come up with.

The iPad feels great! Looks Great! Performs Great! I honestly love it.

I have a feeling I’ll be using my iPhone and MacBook a lot less. I don’t think it’s going to make me go online or use technology more, I’ll simply use less of the rest of my devices. Instead of waking my iMac up from sleep, grabbing my Macbook or straining to type / browse on that tiny iPhone, I’ll just grab the iPad. The long battery means i won’t always have it fully charged.

I’m excited. After 30 minutes of use, I’m really happy.

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