Linked: “Taco Bell’s Website Is Absolutely Insane”

via Cracked:

Here’s only a quarter of the words Taco Bell uses to describe the general concept of fountain drinks:

Hey, this is a cup. It comes in four sizes, and you can fill it with the fountain drink of your choice.

You can put ice in it, too, if you want. You’ve probably experienced a cup before, so let’s talk about what you really want to know: our place in the ever expanding universe.

If you were to get all four of these cups, you’d find that they comfortably fit inside each other. Each, an identical but smaller version of itself, like a Taco Bell Matryoshka doll. Matryoshka dolls, for all of you running to Wiki right now, are those traditional wooden Russian dolls that have one doll inside another doll, inside another doll, etc. Not only are they beautiful examples of Eastern European craftsmanship, but they’re physical metaphors for life’s complex layers of awareness. See, like our fountain drink cups or Matryoshka dolls, human experience is predicated on macro and micro iterations of the cogs that build it.

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