Linked: “An Ode to the iPod Classic”

via The Ringer (a medium blog):

Sure, our phones might hold some of this sentimental junk, but unless we’ve sprung for one with a massive amount of storage space, we’re constantly having to clear them out to make room for the new. And in a larger sense, we’re now fully immersed in the Snapchat era, in which our digital footprints are becoming more and more ephemeral — if only to make room for the humongous amount of data we all generate in any given day. At the risk of sounding like a total geezer, I can’t help but feel that we’ve long since crossed the threshold of that magic number, into the realm where there’s simply too much music, too many tweets, too much stuff out there to feel anything but overloaded and paralyzed almost all of the time.

The entire article was great but this one really stood out to me.

I have a 256GB iPhone 7, a 3 terabyte iMac and a now 98% full NAS with 30 terabytes of storage. There will never be a single device that can hold everything I’ve created. Even 50 years from now if a hard drive is 50 terabytes, I’d have created 100 terabytes more of data that is worth storing.

Does the iPhone need to be 256GB? Mine is full, I know that but for most people, they see a piece of content and forget about it a minute later after liking it.

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