Rants3 min read★ Valley News, please answer your emails. I’ve written about this before but possibly with too many curse words. I’ll bring this rant down a…February 3, 2011
Rants2 min read★ Justin Bieber Does Not Deserve to Die Justin Bieber has sold more records than most people will in their lifetime and he’s only 16. I…January 31, 2011
Rants6 min read★ Red vs Blue This year (2011) marks the 150th anniversary of the United States Civil War. It’s clear that the debates…January 10, 2011
Rants4 min read★ You Know You’re in a Tech Bubble When… Twitter’s Trending Topics: They’re mostly celebrity news, huge sporting events and idiotic hashtags where people continue so give…January 5, 2011
Rants5 min read★ …where I continue to rail against fanboys. It would appear that I’m the only guy who agreed with almost everything Paul Thurott wrote yesterday. Aside…December 1, 2010
Rants2 min read★ Congrats. You’ve missed the point. In the past 2.5 hours, CNN has published 8 news articles about Wikileaks. Two of those discuss what…December 1, 2010
RantsTechnology4 min read★ Chicken & Egg Today, Virgin’s new cutting-edge iPad only magazine was released. I’m excited to try it out. The new magazine…November 30, 2010
RantsSocial MediaTechnology7 min read★ Good enough doesn’t work for me I believe that my philosophical approach to technology personally makes me a terrible candidate to even post this. Maybe I’m…November 22, 2010
RantsSocial Media7 min read★ Can We Stop Fighting about Social Media? Maybe writing this will get me kicked off the island. I don’t really care. I registered a LiveJournal…November 20, 2010
IdeasRants3 min read★ The Girls Next Door Growing up, I heard about the women in far away lands. I heard about the easy-going girls in…November 10, 2010
PhotographyRants2 min read★ My Canon S95 is Broken It was 5AM in Amsterdam and I was less than 50 meters from the Victoria Park Plaza where…November 6, 2010
RantsSocial MediaTechnology3 min read★ Why I hate Bit.ly and wish we had an alternative to URL Shorteners A very large number of tweets contain links. This was a statement made by Twitter last month and…November 2, 2010
CulinaryRants2 min read★ Hey Starbucks, I Really Get 2 Hours of Free Wi-Fi? I write about Starbucks a lot. I do appreciate what they’ve done for coffee and somehow managed to…October 26, 2010
Rants3 min read★ Why I No Longer Read Gawker Blogs [Updated] Before you read this post, please note the comment below from Brian Lam who is the Editorial Director…July 30, 2010
RantsTechnology4 min read★ The iPhone Upgrade Path (mmm…green grass) The grass is always greener. I’ve had some technology envy before. The great thing about technology envy is…April 8, 2010
MotivationalRants7 min read★ Capturing The Moment – Making It Count All photos taken by me last week on my trip to Miami More and more am I hearing…April 2, 2010
My ThoughtsRants11 min read★ Wait. A Teenager Made a Mistake? Wow. I’m Astonished! Tonight, one of my close friends was let go from what many would call, “a teenager’s dream job.”…February 5, 2010
Rants4 min read★ AT&T Hates Haitian Earthquake Victims [UPDATED] AT&T has responded. See bold text below. Oh AT&T you love to give us a reason to hate…January 13, 2010
IdeasRants3 min read★ …Pulling a TechCrunch TechCrunch is the site that always makes a point to say, “we told ya so.” For those of…September 9, 2009
Rants3 min read★ Twables & FB140: Gaming The System [UPDATED] Two weeks ago, I posted this blog post about Twitter and how the API is making it less…August 3, 2009
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