Linked: “Smartwatches Are Dying Because They Are Worthless”

via Gizmodo:

There’s the potential for the dire smartwatch situation to improve of course. When the Apple Watch’s latest software update dropped, I immediately found myself wearing my Apple Watch again, thanks to the speed boost and the ability to send texts from your wrist with a few scribbles across the screen. For a week or two, the fun factor of the smartwatch returned. The key for smartwatch makers will be to maintain that fun factor for the life of a device. Until that happens, the smartwatch will be just another lame gadget that’s lost under a couch cushion after a week of use.

Like MP3 players, the first tablets, headphones you buy at Virgin Music stores and Fitness Trackers, these are throwaway devices. They’re designed to be throwaway but Apple has proven for the last 17 years that they can introduce products that exceed the other products in each category. They make an existing idea more mainstream and more sticky. I think Apple Watch is here to stay. It will never eclipse iPhone (because it is by-design an iPhone accessory) but it’s not going away.

Most smart-watches are worthless. Apple Watch is not.

PS: This click-bait title started with remarks on why the Apple Watch sucked and closed the link I quoted above. The sign that Apple Watch is a success is when bloggers have to start their piece with how crappy it is, then follow up with how every other device in the category is also crappy and wrap up with “actually, the Apple Watch is pretty good”.

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