CulinarySocial Media8 min read★ and How a Community Site Should be Operated When you are operating a website that enables communication between users, there are a lot of very important…February 9, 2012
RantsSocial Media2 min read★ Mandy Jenkins leaves ‘young person’s job’ of social media editor via Poynter: After guiding Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and more since 2008 at the Cincinnati Enquirer, TBD (where…February 3, 2012
Social Media4 min read★ Adam, why don’t you follow celebrities on Twitter? They’re SOOOOO entertaining! I get asked this pretty often so, following the festivities of this weekend, I opened on my home iMac a…January 17, 2012
IdeasSocial Media4 min read★ An evening with YouTube celebrities or why I should follow celebrities on Twitter which I currently don’t do because I think it’s stupid UPDATE: The video I was in is now online. You can watch it here via YouTube or the…January 16, 2012
LifeSocial Media4 min read★ A year (or more) away from Tech Conferences The last tech conference I attended was SXSW in March of last year. Prior to that, Blogworld was…January 9, 2012
Social Media1 min read★ The Most Expensive Social Network I just received this from SXSW: Let me translate this for you. If I don’t spend a minimum…January 4, 2012
RantsSocial Media4 min read★ My Issue with Mashable, Huffington Post, Business Insider and every other up modern news site Each day, I go out of my way to find the original source of a news article. As…December 7, 2011
Social MediaTechnology5 min read★ Thoughts on Blogging and Why I’ll Never Have over 5,000 Readers No Matter How Often I Blog or Why Niche Blogging is Important and I Disagree With That Three Thousand People checked out my blog last month. Traffic has increased since I began linking to things…October 10, 2011
My ThoughtsSocial Media6 min read★ My Thoughts on The Future of Facebook and Social Networking This post is overdue but I felt some cringing while following the news coming from Facebook’s F8 developer…September 23, 2011
IdeasSocial MediaTechnology7 min read★ Looking for Advice on DMCA Takedown Notices [Help Needed] Hello Internet. On Saturday, I received a very aggressive Twitter reply from a Floridian photographer. His name is…September 6, 2011
Social Media1 min read★ UPDATED: Nigerian Money Scams come to Facebook Received this in my Facebook Inbox: Anyone else receiving these? It’s amazing that this could actually work. Then…March 23, 2011
Social MediaTechnology4 min read★ Twitter is Forcing Trending Topics Down My Throat Twitter for iPhone version 3.3 was released yesterday with a few changes. Here is their change list. –…March 4, 2011
Social Media3 min read★ My Mostly Stagnant Twitter Following When I arrived in San Francisco, I had 800 followers. Withing the first month, I had acquired 1,000.…January 28, 2011
My ThoughtsSocial Media7 min read★ Let’s Talk about My Tweets This is a very personal blog post that is sort of a document for me and how I’ve…January 27, 2011
Social Media2 min read★ Crafting Your Story This photo was taken today while hanging out with my friend Liana at the cabin. We had just…December 5, 2010
RantsSocial MediaTechnology7 min read★ Good enough doesn’t work for me I believe that my philosophical approach to technology personally makes me a terrible candidate to even post this. Maybe I’m…November 22, 2010
RantsSocial Media7 min read★ Can We Stop Fighting about Social Media? Maybe writing this will get me kicked off the island. I don’t really care. I registered a LiveJournal…November 20, 2010
RantsSocial MediaTechnology3 min read★ Why I hate and wish we had an alternative to URL Shorteners A very large number of tweets contain links. This was a statement made by Twitter last month and…November 2, 2010
Social MediaTechnology5 min read★ Why I/We Blog Hmmmm. Why do I blog? It’s probably the same reason that you blog but I doubt it. Actually,…September 27, 2010
Social Media3 min read★ Why I Love Brightkite As I stated in a post in late February announcing my joining Brightkite as a community manager, I…September 6, 2010
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