★ Beer Haul: Summer 2017 Belgian Trip

Kurt from Belgium in A Box sent us 5 boxes of beer. Heather and I pretty much split this haul evenly though it all goes to the same beer cellar. Lots of fantastic Lambic to age and enjoy over the coming decade:

Beer Haul, Belgium 5-27-2017

Beer Haul, Belgium 5-27-2017

Beer Haul, Belgium 5-27-2017

Beer Haul, 8-30-2017

Beer Haul, 8-30-2017

Beer Haul, 8-30-2017

Beer Haul, 8-30-2017

Beer Haul, 8-30-2017Beer Haul, 9-2-2017

Beer Haul, 9-2-2017

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