November was a busy month. I slaughtered my hogs and chickens, did a harvest of the garden, fought low temperatures and further reduced trading. I’m buying a lot more local beers and trading with a tighter group. Either way, here are a few beers that entered my home in the month of November.
It was another nice month of delicious beer. Looking forward to a few more Lambic shipments next month but, as the winter months get colder, I have to reduce the amount of shipments. anyway, this was a good month!
Man, I’d love to trade with you at some point (including some homebrews), but it looks like you have your hands full!
Let me know if you want any Bolt Cutter…
Hey Clint. I’ve slowed down a lot on trading. I only did 7 trades this month. Winter is very cold and makes trading beer harder so we could do something once it warms up! Three of the trades this month were done with guys who read this blog and aren’t on “beer forums”. It’s cool trading with guys who just want to send local stuff back and forth. It’s a lot cheaper.
Yeah, maybe we can try to set something up in the future. No rush. I’m sure it is “slightly” colder in NH than where I’m at in MD! You’re right though, trading local stuff back and forth is the way to go. Most of my trades are done outside of forums. Cheers!