It is the finest coffee I’ve ever had. Sure, I’ve had great coffee in Europe and great coffee from Ritual Roasters that was brewed just a few days before but, not everyone can buy a coffee press made in Japan or travel to other countries. Heck, I can’t just hop on a plane to San Francisco when I want a great cup of coffee. Last year, I discovered something amazing in the form of a Starbucks roast known as “3 Region Blend” I purchased a pound of this last year and, scoured the country for the remainders of this roast that was quickly selling out since, I learned it was only a seasonal blend.
I found 3 Region Blends at the near expiration point in stores that were in the backs of malls in domestic terminals of airports and away from the cities. I purchased 5 pounds of the blend last year and tried my best to finish it before expiration. My last back lasted me until this January. Not bad for a roast that was discontinued last August. You can read a GREAT review from Starbucks Melody from last year’s unveiling.
I have some great news. 3 Region Blend is back! It has formed a slight cult following since going out of season so I encourage you to buy a few bags. Most coffees last 6-7 months (according to on bag expiration date) and you can get a bit more time out of it while in the freezer. I am down right excited to see this coffee offering back in rotation but I really don’t know how long it will last.
This coffee is worth giving up tea for. Buy it now for $12.95. (Starbucks Online)
Also, Starbucks’ Kona Reserve is on sale for a limited time. Great coffee even if it is very very pricey at $22.50 (Starbucks Online). Never mind, Kona is also sold out. Good thing I bought a bag in March.