★ Joining The Apple Blog as a Contributing Writer

My Introductory Post on TheAppleBlog (cropped)For the longest time, I’ve been blogging for myself. The posts never had a schedule, were never censored and never edited. In fact, I usually just wrote and posted. This system worked pretty well but I was writing for the love of it and not to get rich and famous.

Well, that’s still the case.

See, for the past 11 years (1999), I’ve been blogging about whatever and selling  a few ads here and there. A few weeks ago, I was invited to join The Apple Blog as a contributor. TAB is actually a blog under the GigaOM Network which is a highly respected and very large blogging network founded by Om Malik who I have a ton of respect for.

I write about 4 tech related articles a month on this blog so I committed to 4 a month on TAB with an option to write more if I find the time. My content will not change other than it will be free of curse words and edited by a professional and can free up all of that time I spend spell checking and thumbing through a thesaurus.

Yes I will be paid which will be the first time that I can consider myself a paid blogger / writer but the title of “journalist” will still be reserved for people who are actually journalists. In summary, not much is changing and my articles will appear on The Apple Blog but I’ll try to remember to post links to them on Twitter so you’ll know when they’re online.

My TAB author page is http://theappleblog.com/author/adamjackson/! Thanks everyone (all 5,000 uniques a month) for coming to my blog and reading. I really appreciate the support you’ve given me. This blog lives on but w/ less tech goodness.

You can read the official announcement and welcome post here. http://theappleblog.com/2010/04/21/tab-welcomes-adam-jackson/.

PS: Please add TheAppleBlog RSS feed to your reader so you can catch my posts.

My TAB RSS Feed: http://theappleblog.com/author/adamjackson/feed/

This Site’s RSS: http://blog.adam-jackson.net/feed/

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