★ Daybreak – San Francisco

I pulled an all-nighter at the office which was totally not supposed to be an all-nighter. I wasn’t feeling very well yesterday so at 3PM, I laid down for a nap (since I worked from home) and slept until 8PM. My to-do list for the day was completely ruined but I worked a bit more and around midnight, I simply decided to head to the office for some ultra productivity. My plan was to work until 2AM and go to sleep at the office. Well, around 5AM I just decided to stay up. It’s been a productive evening.

At 6:45AM, I saw the glow of the sun and the buildings were still pitch black, I grabbed my Canon G10 and shot some photos. I’m very impressed with the results. Notice how the photos change as the sun comes up. These photos are all 1 minute apart. Pretty awesome!

Daybreak - San Francisco

Daybreak - San Francisco

Daybreak - San Francisco

Daybreak - San Francisco

Daybreak - San Francisco

Daybreak - San Francisco

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