Technology4 min read★ When is an Apple Event a big deal in 2011 and beyond? Let’s rewind to to 2001-2003. Macworld SF, CES, Special Event, WWDC, Macworld NYC/Boston, Macworld Tokyo, Apple Expo Paris,…March 31, 2011
Technology2 min read★ Why should anyone care about Amazon Cloud Player? from TechCrunch: Cloud Drive is the name Amazon is giving to its media storage space on their servers.…March 29, 2011
Technology1 min read★ We Really Should Stop Complaining about Android In truth, I really just wanted to show off this awesomely cool Android Fail but this is something…March 27, 2011
Technology1 min read★ “Cellular Data is Turned Off” message while accessing iPhone SMS This is a weird one. I disabled Cellular Data yesterday while at a music festival because I needed…March 27, 2011
Technology2 min read★ Is it Mac OS Lion or iPhone 5 that’s launching at WWDC? Make up your mind. MG Siegler on March 25th – guesses, based on the GM rumors of OS 10.7 that it will…March 27, 2011
Technology3 min read★ Journalism for The Rest of Us This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for the last four weeks and it’s why I…March 25, 2011
Technology3 min read★ FaceTime as an “Open Standard” At WWDC 2010 during the iPhone 4 introduction, Steve shows a list of “standards” that FaceTime is…March 24, 2011
Technology2 min read★ Happy Birthday Mac OS X Just three days after Twitter’s birthday, it’s March 24th again and that means it’s the birthday of Apple’s…March 24, 2011
RantsTechnology3 min read★ No. I will not invite my friends to use your app so I get in the beta faster There was a story on TechCrunch last month about a new service entitled “Hipster” located at and…March 19, 2011
Technology2 min read★ MobileMe for Free Rumors – Lies, lies lies ThinkSecret in January of 2007: (via) Think Secret sources say that it [Leopard] may involve a free version…March 18, 2011
Technology1 min read★ Four Years ago Twitterversary Back in the day, I didn’t archive things like I do now. I do remember a date that…March 17, 2011
PhotographyTechnology5 min read★ My Disappointment in Panasonic’s Lumix DMC-LX5 [Review] A month ago, a Lumix DMC-LX5 arrived at my door. It was announced a month prior to Canon’s…March 17, 2011
My ThoughtsTechnology8 min read★ My Thoughts on Apple’s iPad 2 For the first time in a very long time, I purchased a product on launch day. Old Adam…March 16, 2011
Technology5 min read★ “I still don’t think Apple has found the sweet spot for the iPad’s usage…” I wrote an iPad review on August 20th of last year. In that review, I wrote: I’ve already…March 15, 2011
Technology5 min read★ How Boxee and their ‘Box’ have let me down Boxee’s home page touts their device as, “The one box your TV needs” but, so far I haven’t…March 15, 2011
Technology6 min read★ Introducing Adam Jackson – SF Giants Superfan Today, I received an email confirmation from with the subject line, “Welcome to MLB.TV Premium Yearly” In…March 5, 2011
Social MediaTechnology4 min read★ Twitter is Forcing Trending Topics Down My Throat Twitter for iPhone version 3.3 was released yesterday with a few changes. Here is their change list. –…March 4, 2011
My ThoughtsTechnology4 min read★ Apple Keynotes – A Brief Restrospective on How Far We’ve Come It was the year 2000 and I was still on Christmas vacation at my Grandmother’s house in Florida.…March 3, 2011
Technology2 min read★ Let’s Talk about The Internet Kill-Switch Last month, the Egyptian government killed Internet and cellular service to the country. This week, a similar thing happened in…February 19, 2011
Technology2 min read★ Required Technology for My Trip to India My dearest and bestest friend, Parth Dhebar has asked me: “Which devices are you taking with you?” This…February 16, 2011
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