RantsSocial Media4 min read★ My Issue with Mashable, Huffington Post, Business Insider and every other up modern news site Each day, I go out of my way to find the original source of a news article. As…December 7, 2011
My ThoughtsRantsTechnology4 min read★ On Paypal and Social Media Riots…everyone sucks via Paypal’s Facebook Wall: Try being less “asshole” and more “forgiving.” It’s absolutely appalling the crap you guys…December 6, 2011
My ThoughtsRantsTechnology12 min read★ My Thoughts on iTunes Match There’s a reason why I own so many Apple products and there’s a reason why the iPod and…November 16, 2011
My ThoughtsRants8 min read★ K-Cups and The Death of America K-Cups. You’ve had coffee via this brewing method and you may have a machine at home. If not,…November 2, 2011
RantsTechnology2 min read★ AT&T’s Coverage Area and their Early Termination Fee I’m trying to switch to Verizon this Friday for the iPhone 4S release. After being a loyal AT&T…October 12, 2011
RantsTechnology2 min read★ Antennagate is real Mark Bernstein: “I blame a corrupt trade press. The way you get attention and make money — not…September 14, 2011
Rants3 min read★ My Frustration with Attribution and Fanboys On Saturday, I tweeted a link to Apple’s new iPad advertisement. I linked to the YouTube Page where…July 26, 2011
My ThoughtsRants6 min read★ My Mac OS X Lion Live-Blog If I don’t do this, I’ll be very tempted to simply gripe and put big smiley faces on…July 20, 2011
RantsTechnology4 min read★ Why I’m Cancelling Netflix Netflix introduced a streaming product back in 2007/2008 which seems like decades in Internet time. Before the iPhone…July 12, 2011
RantsTechnology3 min read★ This Whole Joe Stump Thing This is getting a bit out of control. Yesterday, I wrote something in response to this post by…June 23, 2011
RantsTechnology2 min read★ Angry Birds Does Not Validate Your Platform Angry Birds is a very popular game. It seems like almost everyone plays it. I don’t but I’m…June 15, 2011
RantsTechnology8 min read★ The War Against EMail There are those who profit off improving the software or approach to email and there are those who…May 23, 2011
Rants1 min read★ Why do Music Related Events Need Pretty Women to Sell Tickets? Ultra Music Festival’s Post UMF 13 Video: I don’t know who was performing because every other frame was…May 17, 2011
Rants3 min read★ The Medical Industry Hates Travelers It’s as if we are committing a crime when the itch arises to explore the world. My physician heard I…April 27, 2011
PhotographyRants1 min read★ More Frustrations with Event Photography I don’t even have to add a witty comment: —- A note about the copyright and use of…April 16, 2011
Rants1 min read★ It’s Day 3 of Ultra Music Festival and their iPhone App Still Doesn’t Work I loved the unofficial UMF App a lot! Ultra Music Festival Killed the UMF Essential app for some…March 27, 2011
Rants3 min read★ Ultra Music Festival’s iPhone app is Useless After calling the UMF Essential iPhone app “The only iPhone App you need at Ultra Music Festival” and…March 23, 2011
RantsTechnology3 min read★ No. I will not invite my friends to use your app so I get in the beta faster There was a story on TechCrunch last month about a new service entitled “Hipster” located at UseHipster.com and…March 19, 2011
PhotographyRants5 min read★ Event Organizers and Their Discrimination of Photography Enthusiasts Looking back at this picture above taken at a Citizen Cope concert nearly a year ago and I’m…March 3, 2011
Rants7 min read★ Karl Volkman: The Tech Expert You can call this post my version of SEO bait to hurt someone’s page rank or a simple…February 15, 2011
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