Linked: “When it Comes to EV Range, 520 Miles Are Too Many”


You don’t need to go 520 miles in one shot, non-stop, for any reason. Even in the most optimistic scenario of open road driving at a steady 75 mph, that’s seven hours of solid driving. No food breaks. No bathroom breaks. Nothing, in other words, but the steady sounds of wind whipping around the side mirrors and tires rolling across the asphalt. For seven hours.


That’s right, kids – after more than 450 miles of non-stop driving at a steady, unbroken 75 mph, it takes all of 28 minutes to charge a Lucid Air Grand Touring back to full.

Twenty-eight minutes. That’s barely enough time to take a good, bathroom-based Reddit scroll and stuff a McSubway King combo meal in your face.


Lately, the Anti-EV content on this blog is turning childish. I think TTAC has made some editorial decisions to fire up people on social media to get page views. I doubt their opinion columnist believes anything they’re writing. My car has a 350 mile range. My truck has a 900 mile range. I will always pick the truck for road trips. We drove 2,000 miles and stopped 3 times for gas and didn’t stop for multiple hours to refuel. EVs take forever to recharge. That 28 minutes thing is still too long for me. My road trip car must have hot-swappable batteries if I’m going to use it for towing/hauling.

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