Linked: “Jack Dorsey On Deleting Tweets, Banning Trump, And Whether An Unbiased Twitter Can Exist”

Jack Dorsey On Deleting Tweets, Banning Trump, And Whether An Unbiased Twitter Can Exist:

I think we’re going to look back on Twitter in a positive way. I should add more details to why I think that but this isn’t political for me….and no Freedom of speech does not extend to someone else’s server and I do think that social networks should get rid of bad actors or people who will be on the wrong side of history….


censorship of anyone who disagrees with you is what got us into this situation to begin with. The amount of liberals who had no idea Trump would win the presidency is a sign that algorithms, bubbles, ‘hide’ and shadow-banning has caused each side of the aisle to become ignorant of the other side’s opinions. When everyone has equal footing on the discussion boards to discuss things instead of safe places for liberals and republicans alike, you get two uninformed groups of people who don’t have both sides of the coin. You can think white supremacy is bad but if you don’t even have a dialogue with that person, you’ll never understand what could inspire them to take such an extreme position on life. The same goes for them and ignoring the huge changes in gender-identity, social issues, foreign concepts like veganism and open-borders. 

The people and the press is divided right now because everyone is talking in an echo chamber and if the mainstream social networks censor the far-right / alt-right, whatever, you’re further siloing yourself into an echo chamber of ignorance of other viewpoints. 

Twitter is trying to be the world’s water-cooler and that involves hearing the opinions of people you don’t agree with sometimes. Spend a few hours reading alt-right tweets and reading the news they do with an open mind. You’ll find that both parties can find a middle ground and knowledge is power. If all of your news comes from NPR and the 50 twitter accounts who echo your views on life, you’ll never learn anything beyond the far-left side of things. The other half of this nation disagrees with you. Find out why. 

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