Linked: “Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Now Own at Least One Apple Product”

via MacRumors:

A new survey conducted by CNBC has found that 64 percent of Americans own an Apple product of some kind, a number that’s increased from 50 percent in a similar survey published in 2012.


Apple device ownership rates dip below 50 percent in the 2017 survey for Americans with incomes under $30,000, retirees, and women over the age of 50. CNBC reported that the “wealthiest Americans” own 4.7 Apple products per household, while the “poorest” have one. 

In the high-tech circles (like Reddit’s Technology or Android communities), Android and Windows users will argue that their platforms are superior and this is subjective but I disagree as an Apple Fanboy. But, there’s no denying that Android and Windows own the marketshare in the home market (good to exclude business & enterprise because they buy windows PCs by the millions). For many years, I’ve been certain that Windows & Android aren’t dominating market share because they’re better than Apple’s offerings. I think they dominate due to cost. You can buy a Straight Talk phone for $99 that runs Android and if you want an iPhone, it’s a few hundred dollars more.

There are $700 Android phones and $2500 PC Notebooks but if you look at computer sales over $999 or phone sales over $500, Apple is the dominant player with 90%+ market share. Same for mobile phones where Apple has the bulk of the cellular phone profits for the industry. The market share is going to non-Apple companies due to their prices, not the capabilities.

The stats are here. The top households own 4.7 Apple devices per family and the poorest have just one. I don’t look at an Android user and immediately assume they make $24,000 a year but I do recognize that users of Android and Windows tend to make less money than Apple users. Now we have stats to back that up. There are a few 6-figures earners using Windows & Android, I won’t deny that but they are the minority. Look at the further stats around teens being shunned because they have green-bubbles in iMessage conversations. Having a non-iOS device immediately makes you an outlier when it comes to your circle of friends.

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