Theres’ a lot to say about iPhone on its 10th anniversary. I’ve spent an hour today reading many of the posts discussing the impact on us as a society and as individuals.
I’ve waited in line for nearly every iPhone except that rumored white iPhone 4S back in the day when i didn’t get a 4S brand new but instead waited nearly until the iPhone 5 came out to finally get a white 4S. I regret waiting but that’s that. I was first in line for the iPhone 1, 3GS, 6, 6S and 7. I ordered for delivery the iPhone 5 and 5S (to my knowledge). The iPhone 3G I was 5th in line for as my buddy Dale was first and Nick was 4th. You can see us all here..I’m standing.
Aside from being first a few times, the iPhone hasn’t been as impactful to me as it was to many of you. I actually miss the smaller developer ecosystem, the rise of mobile gaming and how it overwhelms the app store listings. I still think mobile gaming, iPhone photography and streaming music is a step back from what our technology is capable of with the only reason for its success is that its convenient. I only use the iPhone as a media player in my car, a navigation device while traveling and a recommendation device when I’m in a foreign place and need a place to eat. I also use it for FourSquare and Untappd. That’s the extent of my iPhone usage. I even switched to Blackberry last year and largely had no issue except it didn’t support my work email so I had to go back to iPhone.
I love the iPhone. It’s the only modern mobile phone I’ll use and I’m not discounting its contributions to our world…for me, it hasn’t done much. The Mac is still the most important computing device in my life. I’ve spent close to $8,000 on iPhones and another couple of grand on accessories and warranties since it was released. I’m sure Apple appreciates that. It has helped me but not in a profound way as some of you have seen your lives change. To me, it’s still just a very capable cell phone with too short of a battery life (which is why I’m always plugged in).
I still use my iPod Classic weekly (and wish it had Bluetooth) and I seriously miss the hardware keyboards on my Treo and Blackberry:
Even a month after the iPhone came out, I was still pictured below using a real-camera and that hasn’t changed:
One thing I can agree on is that Siri is a major part of my life now and it controls every part of my home. I talk to Siri almost exclusively via my Apple Watch which is by extension a part of iPhone and I think Siri and mobile computing hasn’t reached its full potential yet. We are truly still getting started.
There may be a day when Bluetooth, WiFi and Cloud-based services are better than local hard-wired devices with physical buttons and large camera sensors. For now, I’m happy to have been present at Macworld San Francisco when Steve unveiled the iPhone in 2007.
UPS is here. Time to sign for some more tech goodies.