Linked: “The 265 members of Congress who sold you out to ISPs…”

via The Verge:

So here is a list of the lawmakers who voted to betray you, and how much money they received from the telecom industry in their most recent election cycle.

Look for your state, call up your representative and promise to not give them your vote next election. There is no term limit on our representatives. Like mobsters, they make millions voting for corporations and live for free on taxpayer dollars that you contribute every paycheck. The only way to hurt them is to vote for another candidate next election. Unfortunately, they too will be corrupted.

Also, I hate sentences that start with “So…” It’s lazy and if you read all of the posts that start with So, you can remove So and nothing was lost, nor does the sentence now fail to make sense. So is a plague and we as bloggers should avoid using it. I don’t think it’s grammatically incorrect but it’s really annoying and I start reading the blog in a valley-girl accent.

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