Today is my fortieth birthday, giving me an opportunity for reflection. I’ve been thinking back to when I first entered political journalism nearly two years ago, after I decided I couldn’t sit idly by as news outlets large and small all pushed the same handful of ratings-driven false narratives each day. My insistence on reporting the factually accurate version of the story, instead of generically parroting the popular narrative, quickly earned me a large and appreciative audience. But it also meant I had to figure out what I was doing while a lot of people were watching. It’s been quite the learning experience. And it’s time for me to get better at this.
I’m not sure how I came across this post but suddenly I realized that this is Bill, a longtime Macintosh friend who I believe is on his 4th or maybe 5th commercial writing endeavor. He and I were room-mates at Macworld in 2005 or maybe 2006? He is a talented guy and while I’m sad to see his departure from Tech writing, I will admit that political writing is highly profitable right now. If I were starting out, I may take up some political writing because the ad-rates are just better than that of tech.
Although, despite the money on the table, I believe Bill truly believes in his purpose and you can see it in his writing. I’m really proud of him. Happy 40th, Bill!