★ Review: Hill Farmstead Six Years

Hill Farmstead Six Years



AROMA 9/10   APPEARANCE 3/5   TASTE 8/10   PALATE 5/5   OVERALL 17/20


375ML bottle, stored upright since purchase in May at 38F. Split 2 ways in Teku glassware.

A – Dark reddish brown, wood-like color, 2 finger cream brown head. It’s fully carbed but not intensely, good whisp of air on cap pop w/o gushing.

S – It smells like an ultra-aged Rodenbach Grand Cru Vintage with musty old grape, wine, citrus and apples.

T – Very nice! I honestly don’t get any oxidation at all. Cherries, cinnamon, cardamom and apples. A ton of oak presence but not overpowering, ashy, or gross flavors. I honestly really like this a lot. wine is well integrated, everything is just balanced.

M – lightly carbonated even on a hard swish, has a dessert wine like oily-ness

O – Highly enjoyable. I would believe this was 24-36 months in a barrel. The fact that this spent 50 months in a barrel is absurd and hardly believable. This is possibly the best Flemish Red incarnation I’ve ever consumed. Fantastic work. One of my favorite styles (when done right).

Hill Farmstead Six Years

Hill Farmstead Six Years

Hill Farmstead Six Years

Hill Farmstead Six Years

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