Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Journalists, athletes, celebrities, they’re all typing things in Notes, taking a screen shot, and then tweeting it. (That rich paper-texture background!) Maybe Twitter’s long tweets will put an end to this practice, but in the meantime let’s appreciate how clever people are, repurposing a note-taking app and the ability to take screen shots as a way around Twitter’s character limits.
Here’s the screen-shot Jason linked – https://t.co/04Q7VqrBt8
You know what the best way to have more than 140 characters in a tweet? It’s called a blog. They’re free on WordPress.com and you can tweet links to your posts and they can be as long as you want. We try so hard for progress yet we’re abandoning mediums that are still better than what we’ve built to replace them. Twitter is about brevity and sharing something in 140 characters or less. For more, get a blog.