via Monday Note: (Hats off to Jean-Louise for going back to full-text RSS Feeds)
This one, the third attempt to capture Jobs’ character on film, promises more than its predecessors: It’s based on Walt Isaacson’s bio and scripted by Aaron Sorkin. Unfortunately, the near-unanimous warmth of this week’s remembrances was ruffled by the vaguely dissenting voice of the movie. Jobs’ family and friends strongly disagree with scriptwriter Sorkin’s portrayal – who replies, in Hollywoodspeak, that he was less concerned with facts than with “emotional truth”.
I’ve been close to many of the people and events involved and prefer not to wade into the controversy.
This is the first time I’ve read a remembrance that showed just how well Steve’s Apple was built to last long beyond the founder. Add me to the people who miss Steve Jobs and think of him often around the impact on our world. I’m less interested in the latest movie than I was a few weeks ago. I probably won’t end up seeing it.
John Gruber on the new biopic:
Having seen the movie, I can see why. It’s not really about Steve Jobs at all — it’s an engaging story about a Steve Jobs-like figure and his estranged daughter.