Javascript trackers are everywhere and I use Ghostery to block these from tracking me on every device I own connected to the Internet. I’ve been using tracker blocking extensions for a few years. I made a mistake in my own site-management which was the fact that I still had Google Analytics activated and honestly, I don’t ever look at the stats on Analytics. It’s too much data and not really helpful in directing what I write. I write what I feel like saying and sharing with the few thousand people who drop in once a month to read this blog.
Today, I removed Google Analytics and 2 other trackers from this blog. You shouldn’t have tracking cookies or ad-companies knowing you came to my website so now you can clear site data within your browser and visit my site knowing your identity is safe. Thank you and sorry it took me so long to take up this change I believe every site should enact. I can use the Apache logs on my server to know how many people visited this month. I don’t need any one else knowing that data.
While we’re at it, I highly recommend everyone use DuckDuckGo to search the web as well as installing Ghostery to keep your movements online safe from huge ad-networks that profit from your behavior.