- 75CL Bottle, Picked up at the brewery last month. Enjoyed at 40F in two stemmed glasses.
- A – Good pop of the cap, no gushing, doesn’t sound like a very energetic beer from a carbonation standpoint. Straight up golden color. Created a 1 finger bubbly head that faded pretty fast to a thin white line. No lacing present on the clean glassware.
- S – Smells like an orange juice, clementine, peach and kiwi blend of aroma with wine barrel, oak. It has a sweet earthy aroma with a ton of fruit and a nice brett funk presence to it.
- T – There are a ton of fruits here up front. Middle, you get a tartness with a bit of funk, lemonade, even some lime and other sour fruits. Finish is more acidic, more pronounced with even some bitterness and some hard candies at the finish. There’s a bit of something I can’t really place. Tropical fruits in the middle? Even a mossy, bark taste (not that I taste a lot of bark)
- M – Really good carbonation for how long this brew spent in barrels. Not explosive, very well integrated though.Oily finish.
- O – The aroma had me thinking this was going to be a sour bomb. In fact, it’s very well done. I’d love to have this a few more times over the next 2 years.