- 750ML Bottle, $30 @ HF today. Split 2 ways at around 45 Degrees F and savored for about 40 minutes. The ever talented Kerrie popped this one open. Great whisp of the cap but no gushing. Bottled 07/2014
- A – Refined golden orange pour. 2 finger fluffy white head fades to a single finger and some lacing. A little bit hazy.
- S – Aroma is white wine, grapes, oak, lemon zest and a little flora aroma of wheat, wine, tart clementine and apple.
- T – range juice, grapefruit juice sour and acidity. Finish is a long faded European hop flavor, some simcoe and pine. There’s a really lovely tart aspect to this. No sour. The only downside for me is the lingering bitterness
- M – not overwhelming mouthfeel. Good solid carb without exploding. Certainly great balance with the extra long conditioning time
- O – This is certainly a special beer. Society 3 is really showing its face and honestly I forgot what the components were when I rated this today and now that I see some IPA roots, it certainly has that Sue / E. taste that I love so much. I hope this lasts a while and a few people get to enjoy it. For those of us that are @ Hill every couple of weeks, I fully embrace this new on-site consumption. We get to enjoy the beer without lines, ISO threads, trades and I don’t get messages from a dozen people asking me to trade my only bottle. I hope this trend continues.