The next day, Facebook asked him to deactivate the extension. He did, but also updated his Medium post and the extension’s description to make it clear that Facebook asked him to disable the map.
Three days after the extension was posted, and two hours before he was supposed to leave to start his internship, Khanna received a call from a Facebook employee telling him that the company was rescinding his summer internship offer. Khanna said he was told that he violated the Facebook user agreement when he scraped the site for data.
I’m actually surprised Facebook took that course of action. Okay, so there’s the hooray from me that this guy showed via public data that Messenger was collecting mass amounts of user location history and it was able to be mined and exploited.
I’m just surprised at the corporate ethos within Facebook. Here’s a guy that hasn’t even started working for you (for free) yet and he’s already accomplished something awesome. Google would have kept him on because they embody that hacker culture. I assumed Facebook did as well and it’s troubling if you’re a shareholder and this company is turning people away who want to tinker, explore, learn and get their hands dirty.
Back to the privacy aspect, I linked to this post a while ago.I think it’s the best thing about Facebook in a very long time. Don’t use Facebook. That’s just essential now and should be everyone’s SOP.