Technology: Going without iPhone or Apple Watch for one week

I met a guy off Craigslist who paid me $600 for my iPhone 6, 128GB Gold. The money will go toward an iPhone 6S that comes out next week….8 days from now. The next week won’t be any different from others. I’ll go up to Vermont this weekend to drink beer with friends and I’ll drive my car around and play on the Internet or play some Forza 6 that just came out or watch movies. Next week, I’ll go to work and do the best I can to make everyone happy and accomplish a lot of really awesome things. At night, my home phone will ring sometimes since Google Voice is still setup to at least one phone and my iPad will deliver Google Voice SMS messages to me but I only get 2 people a week messaging me so it’s not much.

In a given week, I receive 1 phone call and 10 SMS messages. I’m not a very social person at least digitally anymore.

The kicker that I didn’t think of was that the Apple Watch requires the iPhone. Once I unpaired my iPhone and reset it, the Apple Watch is stuck in this activation mode. It’s useless. It’s not a time-piece. It’s a hunk of metal and glass with no operation other than looking pretty. I might as well just keep it at home.

I’ve had gaps between iPhone ownership in the past but it’s been a while since I’ve been without it for more than a day. Other than the FourSquare check ins, I don’t think there’s much I’m going to miss. I’ll check back in a week later and see how I did. If I even survive!

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