Tomorrow evening (Thursday), I’ll be heading up into the mountains of Northern Vermont with some friends to camp for 4 days. This is my first trip with my sort of new living situation of life with Apple Watch and Apple Music.
Apple Watch requires daily charging and luckily, we’re car camping so I can run the car’s battery for an hour every night and charge the watch and my iPhone / iPad via a multi USB charger. I’ll still have my articles via iPad (Reeder & Instapaper) and I’ll have the fitness tracking of Apple Watch. I’ll be carrying my iPod Classic just in case but I have stored 30 playlists on iPhone for offline listening via Apple Music which just came out on Tuesday.
The cell service up there is nonexistent so let’s see how these 4 days go and if my devices will just constantly go bonkers given the lack of service. The iPod Classic and my Mophie juice pack will serve as backups so at least music and Instapaper / Kindle reading will still be possible no matter what (except they won’t save me from a bear attack).
A final note, last week while in Florida, my weathertight camera got wet and now I’m camera-less unless you count the iPhone 6 or GoPro Hero 4 as being capable still cameras. Either way, I’m stuck with Heather’s Canon S110 which is a highly capable camera but, after using it last night, I sorely miss the heft and capability of my Olympus OMD EM1. If the Rice-Bath my EM1 is undergoing for the next week does not save it, I’ll have to replace it. I was not looking forward to that. It does have me looking at today’s camera landscape and the huge amount of options available. Cameras have come a long way in the last 18 months.
It’ll be an interesting weekend. Sure, I’ll be embracing the outdoors but also pushing the limits on the ability to unplug from the Internet. Not my personal limits. I’m fine not being online but I assume my devices will not appreciate it and will be starving to reach out the outside world while they live happily in airplane mode until Monday Morning.
Happy 4th of July and enjoy the warm weather and I hope all of my readers here stay safe.