★ Reviews: Hill Farmstead Civil Disobedience (Release 1)

IMG 6312



   AROMA 6/10   APPEARANCE 3/5   TASTE 8/10   PALATE 5/5   OVERALL16/20

adamjackson (1972) – Lyme, New Hampshire, USA – FEB 27, 2014  [delete] [move]

This is a beer I’ve been trying to track down for a while. I met a Ratebeerian in California who wanted to share some beers. He gave me a choice between a 2001 3F Oude Gueuze or a Civil Disobedience . I chose this because I’m a weirdo. While the Gueuze may have held up better, this was a real treat!A – Insanely cloudy but most of these traveling beers are. Although, the hint of Mimosa may have led to this being a bit cloudier. More of a dark yellow, fluffy head and huge carbonation. Not a gusher just a lot of carb on each pour which is a very welcome thing.

S – Smells like Vanilla and Cream Soda with a tiny bit of wet cardboard and ropy leather. Nice grassy notes but clearly showing its age.

T – Taste was good and improved as it warm dup throughout the evening. Taste is loaded with a ton of funk and Brett and really hearty ropey leather. Finish is nice. Slightly cheesy and bitter orange peel and spice at the finish. Cardboard and funk lingers

M – Great mouthfeel, full bodied lemon meringue texture.

O – This beer was probably excellent a year ago but a Summer 2011 beer may not have just fallen off but who knows how well it was stored and how many hands it changed over the years. Still, it was great to try this. Thanks CheepBeerBuzz for sharing!

IMG 6322

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