I didn’t trade for or try the 2012 version of this. As I understand it, Bruery RS members received 1 or 2 bottles in their allocations so the trade value was something like a Hill Farmstead Damon or 2 Beatification for 1 Grey Monday which is too rich for my blood. In 2013, RS members could order up to 4 of these with 1 included so I maxed out my allocations and figured we’d try this fresh since there were a few people at my house on New Years Eve. I had two glasses of it which wasn’t the best idea but it’s a very nice beer. To me, it’s better than Chocolate Rain and Black Tuesday but I would say only marginally better than CR. I’d pick it over the other 2 but the limited nature of this and cost means it’s still a beer that should trade highly but not as high as last year’s version. There’s more of this floating around but $40 is a lot for a single bottle of beer.
Apologies for the not so nicely formatted notes.
adamjackson (1787) – Lyme, New Hampshire, USA – JAN 1, 2014 [delete] [move]