I enjoyed this bottle at home after having Sahati at Bailey’s Taproom in Portland. I’m going to put the Sahati review at the bottom of this post while there was no photo of it, it was a fantastic beer, way better than La Tache
The Ale Apothecary La Tache
adamjackson (1660) – Lyme, New Hampshire, USA – OCT 26, 2013 [delete] [move]
Alright, the second time I’ve had a beer from this genius out in the woods of Oregon. Seriously, a lifestyle I’m envious of regardless of the beer quality. Paid $28 for this in Vermont at Winooski Bev Warehouse. Having had the last beer from him in Portland, it’s nice to enjoy this slowly at home (and split 2 ways). Enjoyed at 50F in a wine goblet (HFS Glass)
A – I would call this a mix between gold and orange. The second glass had some dregs so that one is a bit more cloudy but the first pour was crystal clear and looks like chardonnay. A 2 finger head fades to a thin line pretty fast.
S – The nose is loaded with grape skin and a mild cantaloupe. Sweet and a hint of barnyard funk. Not as complex as the Sahti but certainly a sweet microflora esque nose that isn’t too tart or too sweet. It’s very similar to HFS Art in the nose but a lot less lactobacillus and oak.
T – It’s hard not to talk about taste and not talk about the mouthfeel first. Okay, well back to taste. Loads of sweet pinot grapes, sweet muscadine and juicy pears. Lactobacillus and Brett Trois and tannic tastes as well. It’s dry but not insanely dry. The finish is grassy with just a touch of tart.
M – Loving bottle conditioned bursting carbonation mouthfeel. Loaded with dry and peach acidity.
O – I loved Sahati. I like La Tache. It lacks that complexity but is still very good. If this was $10 cheaper, I’d drink it often. Needs a bit more tartness and it feels high abv for 6%. Certainly a beer to be shared.
The Ale Apothecary Sahati
adamjackson (1660) – Lyme, New Hampshire, USA – OCT 14, 2013 [delete] [move]
Bottle at Bailey’s Taproom in Portland for $24. Enjoyed at 65F in a snifter.A – The appearance is straight apple juice with a minor head that fades very fast and remains thin.S – Nose is pretty complex. There’s a mix of brett and this acidic fruity grapefruit punch. I get oak and melons. Very much a funky tropical treat that smells pretty damn fantastic.T – Damn, this is special. It is sort of in a class of its own. Well, I’m having a hard time describing taste and am thus filling this section out last. honey, rye, sweet caramel, candied apples, cantaloupe and other melons, pineapple and a big woodiness that I only get from Hill Farmstead saisons. The sweetness is persistent but not overbearing, the woodiness is like chewing on tree bark but I don’t feel like I’m a fucking woodchuck. Spruce tip ONLY hits you at the end of the beer. You get it for a second and then it flees away quickly. I get a very yeasty bread taste that pairs so well with herbal funky brett. There seems like a bit of lactobacillus but it never overpowers you with tartness, just sort of chills out in the back ground. What in the Hell am I drinking?
M – Moutfeel from the bottle conditioning is velvety yet explosive. It has a champagne like mouthfeel with the complexity of the best belgian saisons. The most persistently sticky bubble situation on a mouth swish I’ve ever achieved. like the bubbles in my mouth last for days and never stop. This is going to be a burping beer for sure.
O – The total complexity of this beer is mind-blowing. I must have more of it. MUST RIGHT NOW! I hope more of this makes its way into Vermont. The price is high but it’s an impressive beer. EDIT: I did give this a 4.7, bumping it down to a 4.3. sadly, it’s a lot of beer and more than a glass is insane on the palate, the burps and the drunkenness. If this came in at 5%, I’d be all over a perfect 5 rating.