★ Review: The Bruery Chocolate Rain (2013)

The Bruery Chocolate Rain


   AROMA 6/10   APPEARANCE 3/5   TASTE 10/10   PALATE 5/5   OVERALL18/20

adamjackson (1348) – Canaan, New Hampshire, USA – JUL 6, 2013

RS Exclusive 2013, Paid just under $40 for a few of these via my membership. Received via my trustee, EHammond1 who is a bomb dog! Opened July 4th with friends.
A – GUSHER. I’ve never had a stout gush out like this. I was pretty prepared. Pours pitch black but not oily. It pours a lot like a dark liquor like rum. Ya know, like sticky, sort of moves around the glass like rubbing alcohol, has huge almost arrogant alcohol legs that persist for days. This beer wants you to know that it’s not screwing around. No head, almost completely still in the glass.
S – Well, the nose is burnt oak, rubbing alcohol, insanely sweet and chocolate. The chocolate is the biggest thing on the nose. Vanilla is big but it’s overshadowed by the booziness.
T – The taste is so much better than the nose. The booze is nowhere near as insane as the nose since the nose is so boozy. The vanilla beans are jerks in how they coat your mouth and stick around for half an hour later. The chocolate is almost like swishing around dark cocoa in your mouth. Bourbon is there but at almost 40 proof, there’s no booziness to this her at all.
M – This is a big beer but it’s slick, sweet, resinous and a hint of medicinal along with the boozy heat.
O – Chocolate Rain, I was afraid of this beer. So afraid that I waited until a chance to split this bottle 10 ways. Unlike Melange 3, Black Tuesday and White Chocolate,I was convinced that this beer would be the one high ABV Bruery beer that I couldn’t take on by myself. I was convinced this beer needed only 1 ounce and done. Then, I tasted it and realized I could easily drink an entire bottle myself. It’s a delicious beer fresh and I’m looking forward to trying it with some age. It falls short on nose and appearance. Everything else is perfect.
The Bruery Chocolate Rain
The Bruery Chocolate Rain
The Bruery Chocolate Rain
Comments 2
  1. Oh man if you like big stouts, you gotta try DARK LORD. It’s made by my favorite brewery Three Floyd’s in Indiana.

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