adamjackson (950) – Canaan, New Hampshire, USA – FEB 17, 2013
Received as a “gift” enjoyed in a Hill Farmstead glass…best by January 2013A – Pours an oily black with a 2 finger coffee coloured head that fades to a thin line pretty fast.
S – Nose is heavy on cocoa and wine tannins with molasses and cane syrup
T – Sweet with the standard boozy, bourbon notes. Very little vanilla, tons of smoke and char almost ashy charcoal taste that is a certain downer. Finish is dry and bittersweet. I get some pecan or walnut as well and some sweet finish.
M – Very oily and slick, heavy body almost no carbonation
O – This is a nice stout, certainly some complexity but the ashiness really takes points away from the overall experience.