Elizabeth and I attended Hill Farmstead’s 2012 Festival of Farmhouse Ales yesterday. It was a fantastic time. I got to try some favorites again like Arthur, Anna, Florence, Clara and Civil Disobedience #3 and others plus some things like Cantillon’s Zwanze 2010 which I haven’t had since May. Tired Hands delivered some delicious beers and the Cellars at Jasper Hill had on-site very delicious cheese. Of course, as usual, Elizabeth and I maximized our day by stopping at the Waitsfield Farmers Market for Lawson’s Finest Liquids and to see if Sean enjoyed Ommegange last week since we saw him there and to pick up some Heady Topper for a friend.
It was a lovely day that ended at Parker Pie which may be the closest restaurant to Hill Farmstead and I got to enjoy a glass of Edward before getting home. We left the house at 7AM and returned around 9PM. Big day and now my cellar is even more stuffed with delicious beers!
We had a great time. It was a very long day but the event itself was very affordable with a strong representation of local food vendors and musical acts. I can’t wait for Harvest Fest next month!