I swore that I had bought my last White Birch beer. I stopped by the brewery and picked up two more. It had to be done and this beer was very drinkable and has renewed my interest in trying their offerings if I see them. Support local breweries!
adamjackson (433) – Canaan, USA – JUL 2, 2012
A -I broke the cork trying to uncork it.Dark honey brown appearance. 2-Finger slightly off-white head that fades slowly with some pretty nice head lacing.
S – Nice sweet smell. Sort of musty or attic-like in scent which is not always a bad thing. Orange juice and nice honey sweetness. Although, it smells a little older than the bottle date (May 2012)
T – Hmm. Okay, so I’m getting the cardboard for sure that others have mentioned. There’s a lot of copper like metallic characters and the booziness is pretty high. Burns my throat and chest with alcohol booze. However, the sweet honey makes up for the taste though.
M – 80% carbonation on the mouth swish. Medium body, residual sweetness and alcohol booziness
O – I have to be honest, my experience with White Birch has been pretty bad. However, this beer does sort of re-affirmed my happiness with them. It’s not a bad beer. It’s pretty drinkable.