This is great. Untappd is a social service for checking into beers. It’s up to the user to only check in to beers they’re actually using since there’s no way to check the person is actually drinking a certain beer unless they share a photo. Either way, I like it a lot as it helps me track what I’m drinking. After a week, I simply go to Untappd and then remove beers I had from my virtual beer cellar Excel document. I’m so bad at remembering things, it’s a great way to keep track.
I love when data utilities mine my data in a positive way and make my data useful to me. Painting a picture of my habits in an organized form is fantastic. This isn’t the full spectrum of what I’d like to see Untappd do but it’s a start. Revealing when I drink and who I drink with would be nice.
You can see my monthly Untappd report here –