★ Happiness Brought on by The Apple World Travel Kit

Apple World Travel Adapter Kit

The day that my U.S. Passport arrived in the mail, I had this overwhelming excitement like I could go anywhere, be anything and travel to great lengths of the world. Just a simple booklet with my photo contained gave me a simple passage into almost any country. This week, my passport returned to me via FedEx stamped with a 6-month Indian Travel Visa and that same excitement about being a world traveler filled my heart.

Travel is a kick starter of huge personal growth. Everything we need is already within but to set foot in another country and to experience the thrilling adventure of being an observer of a different culture is something different. It changes us in so many ways and I hope that everyone I’ve met has this chance to take that trip to somewhere that excites them, scares them and gives them a new outlook on life.

Today, the Apple World Travel Adapter Kit arrived with an Indian compatible power plug. I have to power my Dell notebook, MacBook Air, iPad and iPhone as well as charge cameras while in India so power is an essential commodity. Apple dubbing this product “world travel adapter” makes me smile. I think the adapters are pretty overpriced but they fit in well with my existing Apple power adapters and are going to make travel going forward pretty easy.

These tools that allow us the ability to explore a new place are inspiring. A simple plastic plug, a paper booklet and a sheet of paper stamped “tourist visa” will open me up to new experiences starting on Saturday. What a great time to be alive and I am grateful to have this ability to challenge myself.


Comments 3
  1. “I think the adapters are pretty overpriced but they fit in well with my existing Apple power adapters and are going to make travel going forward pretty easy.”

    That is so true. Got them, too, while living abroad for a while. Though they are expensive but still use them frequently when traveling. Enjoy your trip to India.

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