★ Going to Temple & Keeping it Clean

Lands End, San Francisco


We create ourselves. We create our self. Someone has to take responsibility for you and your body every day. Are you doing a good job? If you were borrowing your body, would your body’s owner be proud of the way you are taking care of it? Is your body in better shape this year than last year?

Doing this starts with quality food & fuel for our bodies. Fast food won’t help you. Nearly every restaurant is about maximizing profits. Capitalism is a wonderful thing but will not hold your hand when it comes to making choices. Capitalism helps those getting your money and where you spend your money is up to you.

I spend a lot of money on groceries. One person, I spend nearly $800 a month on groceries. I can afford to do this and could do it for cheaper while still getting quality food.

Locally raised beef from a farmer’s market is nearly twice as much as it is in super markets but when I pass by the farm, stop and buy the beef that was slaughtered that day, there’s something special about that. The preparation of food is the beginning of good nourishment.

Learn how to cook.

The number of young people who know how to cook is lower than ever. I know this because people my age are blown away by how much better my food tastes than from a restaurant or drive through. They’ve never had food like this.

Cooking sharpens your mind and burns calories and you form a closer bond with those around you and the food that is being prepared.

Let’s really think about this.

A man & woman being paid minimum wage on an assembly line of ingredients hundreds of times a day to prepare your burrito that costs only 99 cents (your cost) is not a healthy choice. There are factors that make this meal bad for you.

  • Your cost is 10x what it cost the company. The 99 cent burrito cost Taco Bell less than 10 cents to prepare. 10 cents!
  • The Ki / Energy of the person making that burrito 100 times a day for the minimum the state will allow Taco Bell to pay them leads to the energy that you’re about to consume. Happy, healthy and non-taxed employees need to prepare your food. I believe that the emotions of the preparer are embodied in the food you consume. It’s transferred. A cook must love and respect the ingredients from source to your mouth for the proper nourishment to be received.
  • Speed = Errors. Assembly lines should not be applied to your meal. The relationship of that cow and the wheat and cheese and ketchup are very important. The cow was slaughtered in an assembly line, loaded on to a truck, shipped thousands of miles and thrown together by 10 different people and served to you for $1.
  • Nutrients are lost as soon as the fruit is picked. Orange juice from concentrate is an example. Once you’ve squeezed the orange, Vitamin C starts to disappear. Manufacturers concentrate it and add vitamin C then add water later before sending to a supermarket. Processes like Pasteurization keep the orange juice from spoiling. Benefits of raw milk & OJ.
  • I truly believe that, despite the fact that my grandparents eat terrible food for you (salted pork, white bread, large quantities of lactose and canned vegetables), they are living longer and are healthier than my generation. The reason is that they cook all three meals, they use meat from their farm and buy locally because, they grew up when there weren’t any supermarkets. If my grandparents lowered sodium intake, upped fiber intake and switched to fresher vegetables and lower lactose intake w/ upped calcium (via supplements), they’d be even healthier. Of course, walking 1-2 miles a day wouldn’t hurt either.

If we only get one body, one chance, one life, why are we spending time putting things that don’t benefit us into it?


Even though heavy drinking is associated with higher risk for cirrhosis and several types of cancer (particularly cancers in the mouth and esophagus), heavy drinkers are less likely to die than people who don’t drink, even if they never had a problem with alcohol. One important reason is that alcohol lubricates so many social interactions, and social interactions are vital for maintaining mental and physical health. As I pointed out last year, nondrinkers show greater signs of depression than those who allow themselves to join the party.

Alcohol is bad for you in large quantities but those who drink have more social interactions and thus live longer. I realize this when hosting parties at my place. Without alcohol, the night goes slower and people lose interest. It’s cultural and we’ve been brewing beer and distilling grain for thousands of years. Monks in Europe can go without sex but don’t try to take beer away from them.

The effects of alcohol are cancelled out when you take in more water than alcohol and pair that with moderate exercise 3 times a week.

I’d like to pour vegetable oil in your car’s gas tank, leave that car in the front yard untouched for 3 months and then try to crank it. What happens?

The pour nutrition we put into our body and the lack of inactivity is essentially the same thing as the car. It won’t start.

Top 5 cancer causing foods:

Processed meats, cookies, donuts, french fries. Basically, anything processed, non-organic and prepared with hydrogenated cooking oil.

I have a dare for you. Cut out all sweeteners (except sugar), sodas, desserts, processed foods and butter for 6 months, then hit McDonalds, get a #3 combo (Burger, Fries & Coca-Cola) and tell me if it makes you sick afterwards to the point of throwing up, not to mention the disgusting taste as you try to eat it.

In those 6 months of cutting out those foods, you will have also lost weight and become a healthier person.

If you’re not convinced yet, read this:

To really get your blood going, consider circulation-enhancing dishes. Food that’s high in Omega-3 fatty acids such as mackerel, salmon and wild salmon are best. “Omega-3 makes your nervous system function better,” says Dr. Barbara Bartlik, assistant professor of psychiatry and sex therapist with the Human Sexuality Program at Weill Cornell Medical Center. “Sex is really about circuitry.” Multivitamins and minerals will help, too. Both improve neurological function, which contributes to good circulation.

and this:

Make healthy lifestyle changes and choices. Losing excess weight and increasing your daily physical activity may help men regain sexual function without the use of traditional medical treatments.

Sex sells, right? If you are losing it in the bedroom or want to enjoy sex when you’re in your 30s, you should start focusing on your body now. Extra fat on your body + poor nutrition + smoking and lack of exercise leads to sexual problems down the road!

People are living longer but our quality of life has dropped to nearly nothing. We have knee and back problems at 30, gray hair at 40 and almost complete immobility at age 50.

Your body is a temple. What you invest will come back to you for years. These are your choices. I’m making mine.

This morning, I had 1 egg + leftover turkey + 4 ounces of baby spinach + an avocado and a sliced tomato. I used olive oil and covered it with pepper. I had 1 cup of coffee (black), 1 litre of water and 8 ounces of carrot juice.

Now, I’m scrubbing down my house, keeping it spotless as I do every Sunday and later I’ll be going for another 18 mile bike ride (like the one I did last week). This is my weekend. How will you choose to spend yours?

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