★ My Health Care Debate: Only Going to Say This Once

Listen up because I’m going to argue this once. I don’t care if you disagree or agree but I’d like to say something because health care is going to effect every American. To make things simple (and short) I’m going to put this in bullets and make my point on this whole healthcare debate.

1. The big picture of all of this based on hearing thoughts and arguments from both sides is this. If you’re a conservative republican, you’re against health care reform. There’s no convincing you because you’ve made up your mind. Liberals and middle-ground people like myself are for health care reform and it couldn’t come soon enough. Why are republicans against this? Honestly, they hate Obama and want him to fail. Screw the failure of our country. If Obama fails, republicans win and that’s the logic.

2. Health care costs are up year after year. In the year 2000, a family would spend around $6,500 a year. In 2009, it’s over $13,000. Double the price in 9 years and not slowing down [SOURCE]

3. I’ve been working in management since late 2004 at small businesses and corporations that provide health care. Every year, my coverage gets worse and costs more. Employers have the issue of either firing employees or cutting health care coverage. I’m not talking greedy CEOs here, I’m talking a local PC repair shop that’s trying to keep the doors open and thus cuts health care to do so.

4. When people have limited or poor coverage, they don’t take care of themselves by going to the doctor often and getting regular check ups. Personally, I have about 10 things right now that have been bothering me for 2 years. I don’t get them looked at because of poor physicians, small network, high co-pay and other reasons. Full Coverage from an employer is a thing of the past. Last time I had an ingrown toenail removed, it was $300.

5.The result of this system where everyone is fighting for the cheaper option is a country who’s overall health is worse than it was 40 years ago. Longer lifespan but fatter and with more diseases. Early detection, education and prevention are key and a hell of a lot cheaper than, “oh shit my kidneys just failed.” Instead of real physical education in grade school, “coke is bad for you” and regular checkups from a physician, “hey you should stop drinking soda” result in kidney stones as an adult which is a costly procedure. This could have been prevented if the money was allocated early on.

6. Yes a public option is key. No it won’t destroy large insurance companies. Everyone needs to stop playing the blame game. The following companies / groups are not responsible for the overall physical health of US citizens:

  • The VA
  • McDonalds
  • Phizer
  • Blue Cross
  • Walgreens
  • AIG
  • George Bush
  • Republicans
  • Public Schools

7. Insurance will continue to go up, Americans will continue to become less healthy and everything that’s happening to us now will worsen if we don’t insure EVERYONE. It will cost billions at first but once I start regularly visiting a general physician for checkups, things that may cost thousands later only cost the government $50 today. Over the next 20 years, the price of insuring every American will go down due to early detection and prevention.

8. Look at countries that have “socialized medicine”. Healthier, happier and no, my friend in Canada didn’t just have his grandma killed off just because she broke her hip and a death panel decided that she couldn’t live.

9. Stop playing the blame game, stop being against Obama and starting being FOR the health and happiness of our country. There’s a lot broken with our system and we slowly need to repair things or it’s only going to get worse.

Thanks for reading.

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