I am completely slammed with work after my 6 day vacation. I did want to post one thing about the Proposition 8 decision yesterday. For those not familiar, Proposition 8 was a law that would make gay marriage illegal on a state level in California. Yesterday, the supreme court voted on this law after a storm of controversy regarding this law being a civil rights issue and beyond the simple law of same sex couples having the ability to marriage.
I’m not going to post how I voted but I did want to share something that puts into perspective the argument that “proposition 8 protects the sanctity of marriage.” Here is a quote from a “Yes on Prop 8” site.
The Bible, America’s fundamental basis for morality, speaks out clearly on homosexuality and on the importance of the sanctity of marriage in both the Old and New Testaments. In Romans 1, Paul writes about sinful desires that men were given over to, including homosexuality.
I’d like to share heterosexual marriage & divorce statistics (possibly a little outdated)
In 1997, there were a total of 1,163,000 divorces granted in the United States. That’s 4.3 per one thousand of the population. There are currently 19,400,000 divorced adults (1998). The median age at divorce is 35.6 for Males and 33.2 for females. The median duration of a marriage is 7.2 years. There are an estimated 1,075,000 children involved in divorce or 16.8 children per one thousand under the age of eighteen who are involved in their parents’ divorce.
Here’s an analogy for you:
- Raise your hand if you voted for Proposition 8 in California to “preserve the sanctity of marriage”
- Put your hand down if you have done any of the following
- Had sex before marriage.
- Stolen anything from anyone.
- Ever said “God Damn” out loud.
- Committed Adultery
- Gotten Divorced
- Broken any of the 10 Commandments
Anyone still have their hand up? The two of you in the back that still have your hand up, you can rightfully tell me that your vote was to preserve the sanctity of marriage. The rest of you are hypocrites and your vote was only out of hate, misunderstanding, ignorance or to impose your religious views onto a group of people who are just a little bit different than you.
Every day I realize more and more that Separation of Church and State is basically bullshit.
Added this video which reinforced my point: