★ Road Trip: Summary of Coverage

I’m sure you’ve seen my constant coverage of the upcoming road trip and at this point you’re just ready for it to be over but it’s my responsibility to ensure everyone gets to be a part of this exciting road trip down the west coast and finally visiting Las Vegas & Lake Tahoe to form a nice solid square (photo of our map).

First of all, you won’t see any coverage of our trip on this blog because this blog is for me to discuss things I’m interested in and share my talks and social media thoughts. A road trip is going to be way too much content for this blog so all of the coverage will be on our travel blog, Adam and Laura Go West and it has its own category. There’s an aggregate page that makes it easy to find all of our content that I’ve created and it’s called “Road Trip 2009”.

What kind of coverage am I going to be doing?
Twitter (#adamroadtrip Hashtag)

There are more coverage links but just follow these pages and you’ll be fine:

UPDATED: I have created a custom FriendFeed room called “RoadTrip 2009” that aggregates all of the tweets mentioning my #adamroadtrip hashtag plus services I’m strictly using on the trip. This is a great way to follow along in one location without the usual Adam Jackson Twitter Posts. You can subscribe HERE or follow it HERE.

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