Two days in a row that I’ve spoken about this but a video today made by the crew at College Humor honestly upset me to the point where I have to link to it and once again state my case for the toilet bowl that is user generated content on the web.
This is going to get worse as more and more people join the web and contribute their anonymous crap. There are some amazing minds out there contribute great content to the web and sharing their videos, photos, life experiences and opinions and the majority of comments coming from anonymous cowards are completely negative and they lack grammar or common English principles.
The answer to this is requiring tools like Facebook Connect be used to ensure that people commenting are who they say they are. Today, add Disqus or Facebook Connect to your blog and force your readers to be human and be real. Your comments will improve, a community will thrive and you will get fair and respectful commentary instead of the shit that people exclaim without thinking.
If you need help, let me know and I’ll set it up for you. This has to be stopped and the answer is forcing people to be who they really are. If they won’t come out behind the curtain, you don’t want them commenting anyway.
I am not generally for mandatory non-anymous posting. But, looking past that, how do you expect the internet to verify true identities? Outside of giant sites like Amazon (the only one, I can think of off the top of my head with a “real names” badge that means something), that is.
:) As I write this under my handle…I had no idea I could add FB connect to my own blog. That's interesting since a lot of my blog commenters are friends on FB.