My House: 02/21, Granite Countertops, My Weather Station and Flooring

Granite Countertops Install

Granite Countertops Install

Granite Countertops Install

Granite Countertops Install

Granite Countertops Install

Granite Countertops Install

Granite Countertops Install

Granite Countertops Install

Granite Countertops Install

Granite Countertops Install


I bought an Ambient Weather WS-1200-IP Observer station that works with Weather Underground. I had to add on the Ambient Weather EZ-30-12 Stable Mounting Kit as well as the Ambient Weather EZ-125-35M 35” Mast Extension so the station would go far enough above the roof for an accurate reading. This is essentially the most basic kit for amateurs but I wanted to start small and maybe in a year, upgrade to a more serious weather monitoring platform. I also want to eventually add-on the webcam for this so I can broadcast lake conditions on Wunderground and my blog.

Setup was pretty easy. Find a spot where I could mount the kit and buy an extra long ladder (which I needed anyway for clearing off the solar panels) and go to town!

Here’s the finished install. I can’t set it up until I get my network live at the house for uploading the Wunderground:

Ambient Weather WS-1001-WIFI OBSERVER Install

Ambient Weather WS-1001-WIFI OBSERVER Install

Ambient Weather WS-1001-WIFI OBSERVER Install

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